“Tri For Eyes is an on-going national campaign I created to raise awareness and monies to fund innovative stem cell-based therapies aimed at finding a cure for blinding eye diseases. It calls for me to compete in triathlons whenever and wherever I can on behalf of Neural Stem Cell Institute (NSCI) and my son Cole, whom I love very much.” says William Nowak, father of 14 year old Cole Nowak who suffers from a rare blinding eye disease, XLRP.

William is driven to help, not only for his son but for the benefit of many eye therapies that could result from retinal stem cell research.
Currently, NSCI and the Retinal Stem Cell Consortium are aiming towards pre-clinical trials for therapies for age related macular degeneration. And progress is being made. Awarded $10.6 by New York State, Dr.Sally Temple, Dr.Jeff Stern, and the Neural Stem Cell Institute are in the preclinical development of a treatment for age-related macular degeneration using retinal stem cells. She and her group have created a specialized RPE stem cell (retinal pigmented epithelial) for transplantation behind the retina to potentially restore vision in those with age-related macular degeneration. This discovery could pave the way for future therapies for eye disease, like the one affecting Cole Nowak.
Cole is normal boy. He deserves normal sight.
His father’s determination will fuel the scientists at NSCI who know that cures are possible.
Please consider a contribution to his hope.
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