We debuted a new film about our research into diseases of the eye (click here to view). It was received with great applause. In the film, created right here in our labs, subjects Desiree Roberts and Bill Nowak share the pain of their experiences with eye disease. Bill talks about his son who suffers from Retinitis Pigmentosa, “My son is the most courageous human being I have ever met. At 13 years old that kid lives every single day like it’s the last day he is going to be able to see.”

During the evening, we were proud to award Bill Kahn, committed friend to NSCI, with The 2013 Visionary Award. Co-founder Jeffrey Stern says, “Bill Kahn has been a steadfast leader of the Regenerative Research Foundation, teaching NSCI scientists about the key issues involved in structuring a non-profit Institute and guiding our board to make the decisions that have made our Institute strong. From our inception, Bill’s advice has continually and consistently contributed to building the sound foundation upon which NSCI stands.”
Please join us next year. The possibilities are here. With your support, the hope will turn into reality.
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